
LeBron James Told Anthony Davis He Could Retire Before The 2024 Olympics In Paris

LeBron James has achieved almost everything a basketball player could ever dream of. Of course, it includes winning gold medals while playing for Team USA.

With LeBron turning 38 years old last December, many wondered if he would appear in the 2024 Paris Olympics. Well, his Los Angeles Lakers teammate, Anthony Davis, had a conversation with James about the same. But it seems like not only that LeBron has no plans to don the Team USA jersey once again, he may hang up his sneakers altogether before then.

“But after considering the remarks a little longer, Davis recalled a recent conversation he had with James when he told James he ‘might have one more in me’ when talking about the 2024 Olympics in Paris,” Dave McMenamin of ESPN wrote. “James told Davis he might already be done by then. Davis, thinking James misheard him, explained he was talking about USA Basketball next summer, not 2028 in Los Angeles.”

McMenamin added: “James reiterated to Davis that he could have already hung up his sneakers by next year’s Olympics.”

Initially, it seemed as if LeBron James had dropped the hint of his retirement in a hurry. But this report by McMenamin proves that James has planned this for quite some time and talked about it with Davis.

The 2024 Paris Olympics are all set to take place from Friday, July 26, 2024 – Sunday, August 11, 2024. It means there is a chance that LeBron could return to play next season and then retire from the NBA.

LeBron James May Retire For A Year And Then Come Back In 2024

There are many theories about LeBron James’ potential retirement from the NBA. Some believe that many have already seen LeBron’s last game in the league, while others believe James has an ulterior motive.

One of the theories about it was posted by NBA analyst Rob Perez. Perez believes that LeBron will retire for a season to watch Bronny James play at USC and recharge his body. Later, James will join whichever team that drafts Bronny in the 2024 NBA Draft.

It could be true, as James has talked about playing with his son in the NBA a plethora of times. Only time will tell if this wide theory becomes a reality or not.

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