
“You Didn’t Play, You Don’t Understand Athletic Morality”: JJ Redick Slams Stephen A. Smith Over LeBron James’ Retirement Discussion

JJ Redick dished it out at Stephen A. Smith when the duo focused on LeBron James’ thoughts of contemplating retirement after the Los Angeles Lakers were swept 4-0 by the Denver Nuggets in the WCF.

“It’s not just for a calculated reason. James is coming off year 20, age 38, a long playoff run where he has had to play a ton of minutes with an injury,” Redick said on First Take. “It’s just human nature that you would begin to say, ‘Maybe I’m nearing the end.’”

When Smith replied that he “doesn’t understand much of what JJ just said,” Redick retorted sharply. “Well, you didn’t play, Stephen A,” Redick said. “You don’t understand our athletic mortality. Three games at wherever South Dakota Winston-Salem State doesn’t count.”

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Credit to Smith, though, as he took Redick’s shade rather positively. “I got a degree and now I’m on TV with you, I must be doing something right,” he said. This was also followed by the former lending an apology.

After the Lakers bowed out of the Conference Finals, James shocked the world with a cryptic response regarding his future. This was the instant topic of debate across all media platforms and discussion forums. And a show like First Take, known for dishing out hot takes, wasn’t far behind.

Is LeBron James’ Retirement Response A Tactic To Land Kyrie Irving?

While one end of the NBA fanbase felt that it was overstrained James who uttered what he did, certain segments believed that it could’ve been a tactic by the forward to push the LA front office to land Kyrie Irving in the offseason.

“I’d bet on LeBron’s comments in part being a negotiation tactic: I’ll retire unless you go all-in next season. And the player James probably wants the Lakers to acquire is Kyrie Irving,” said NBA analyst Kevin O’Connor, earlier on Monday.

This is one argument that can be seriously considered, given that the guard has been linked to the side for some time now. Plus, he was in attendance for Game 4, and James wanted Irving on the team. So now that the Lakers’ campaign is over, maybe this was a push he gave the management.

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