
Thiago Silva: “Saudi Arabian clubs Chelsea contact made over mega money transfer to repeat Cristiano Ronaldo deal”

Thiago Silva is attracting mass interest from several unnamed Saudi Arabian clubs, with the Chelsea defender having just over 12 months remaining on his contract at Stamford Bridge.

Portugal star Cristiano Ronaldo plays for Saudi Arabian side Al-Nassr

Multiple unnamed clubs from Saudi Arabia are interested in signing Thiago Silva and have made contact with Chelsea, a source has told

The 38-year-old defender signed a 12-month extension on his contract back in February but speculation continues over where he will be playing his football next season. Chelsea want Silva to stay but are unlikely to stand in his way should he want to leave the club at the end of the season, especially given his service to the Blues since signing from Paris Saint-Germain in 2020. has been told that numerous clubs – although they are unnamed at the moment – from Saudi Arabia have contacted Chelsea over a possible move for Silva when the summer transfer window opens. Intermediaries are currently talking to Chelsea and those unnamed clubs about a possible deal in the summer.

Silva has recently been linked with a return to his homeland of Brazil, with Fluminense said to be interested in the defender. However, he quashed those rumours earlier this month and insisted he was happy to see out his contract at Stamford Bridge.

“I have a contract here, right? It’s even strange because several things are coming out and it turns out that the fans [of Fluminense] are in love,” Silva said earlier in May. “Some even curse me on social networks, others say ‘come soon’, other they say ‘if you don’t come now, don’t come anymore’.

“It’s even boring for me, but I renewed with Chelsea, if I’m not mistaken. I’ve always fulfilled my contracts. I won’t stay here if Chelsea don’t want me for next year or if the new coach who arrives don’t want me to stay. I’m going to try to fulfil my contract that is signed until next year.”

Saudi Arabian football clubs can offer huge sums of money to their players and have recently signed some of the sport’s biggest names in order to try and grow the reputation in the country. Cristiano Ronaldo completed a move from Manchester United to Al-Nassr earlier in the year, with the Portugal international on mega-money.


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